Introducing Me: Mahmoud

Hello! It's Mahmoud Ali, Financial Director here at Hearts to Heroes, and I’m very glad to have you on our blog page! 

I moved over here (Irvine, CA) from Egypt back in 2017. I’ve been a soccer player since I was three years old and it’s never worn away. Just like I’ve dedicated much to soccer, billions of people around the globe dedicated and continue to dedicate much to their work. Whether it be their true and sincere passion, or the job that provides for themselves and the people they love, their commitment is undying yet often overlooked. And that’s why I’m here! I’ve grown to understand what one’s passion means, and how incredible it is for one’s passion to be serving others. With that, I simply try to play the role I can in thanking those who have made it their passion, whether by choice or by life, to give their all to us and our community.

Hope you can join me and the rest of the Hearts To Heroes team in thanking our everyday essential heroes and become a hero to our heroes!


Introducing Me: Amanda


Introducing Me: Armita