Introducing Me: Lena

Hey everyone! My name is Lena Cho, and I’m one of the Volunteer Directors at Hearts to Heroes this year! I am in charge of planning ideas for new volunteer events, being at drop-offs and pick-ups, and keeping track of volunteer hours. I’m so excited to meet you all and help out the community through the numerous volunteer events we’ll have!

My journey with the Hearts to Heroes organization began ever since I was a freshman in high school. I honestly never thought that I would be part of the board as a Volunteering Director, but here I am! Volunteering with this organization since freshman year is one of the best things I have ever experienced as a freshman in high school. Everyone on the team is so friendly and caring, so don’t be scared to talk to us during in-person events! Hearts to Heroes is an organization that involves many people, who dedicate themselves to helping out the community. I truly believe that being part of the board this year has positively impacted me as a person who strives to live her best every day. 

Outside of Hearts to Heroes, I am part of my school’s cross country and track & field team as a varsity athlete. Other than this amazing volunteer organization, these 2 sports have taught me to never give up in life, even during the hardest times. With these sports, I’ve learned that it’s “my attitude, not my aptitude that determines my altitude in life”. In simpler terms, my willingness to succeed will bring further accomplishments in life, rather than talent or something that I don’t have to put in the effort to accomplish. There’s a saying by Tim Notke, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” It means that even people with talent will have to work hard in order to stay at the top. Aptitude can open new doors of opportunities for you, but I believe that it’s the attitude that will push and guide you through whatever challenges you’ll face behind the door. Aptitude is something that not everyone has, but developing an attitude with a strong work ethic is what will bring you further in life.

I probably bored you guys with my undeniable love for running, but what I’m trying to say is don’t be let down or unmotivated by those who are better than you because you can and you will always strive to be better. Life is all about hard work and the time you dedicate in order to accomplish the things you want because natural talent can only get you so far. Both Hearts to Heroes and my fellow athletes have taught me that. Remember to live with the goodwill of your heart because your kindness will be paid back in the future! :)


Introducing Me: Aditya


Introducing Me: Katherine